Jamie Lee Curtis graces the November/December cover of The Advocate. (Photo Credit: Andrew Eccles/Advocate.com) 

We are honored to present this year’s The Advocates!

To close out each year, The Advocate honors the LGBTQ+ change-makers and culture-shifters that have had the most influence on the world.

Hollywood legend Jamie Lee Curtis is this year’s Advocate of the Year! Gracing the November/December The Advocates issue, Curtis is recognized for her strong allyship to the LGBTQ+ community and as a supportive mother of a transgender daughter. 

Press Assets

Download press assets, including press release, photos & logos, and behind-the-scenes of our cover shoot with Jamie Lee Curtis!

When covering, please include a link back to the story on our website; photo credit Andrew Eccles/Advocate.com, unless otherwise noted, when using any photos.


Select Quotes

There are aspects of many of the issues facing trans people and people who are not trans that demand real thought.
— Jamie Lee Curtis
I am advocating as a mother with a trans child, but it is also as a mother to a community
— Jamie Lee Curtis
Through this whole experience, my goal wasn’t to be perfect. I am a student of all of this, and my daughter is my teacher.
— Jamie Lee Curtis

For additional information, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Marie-Adélina de la Ferrière
Public Relations Specialist, at marie-adelina@equalpride.com